The Willis Ride

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Who is Willis and what is THE Willis?

James Willis – Friend, collegue, Brother-In-Arms and Board Member of Support-A-Soldier (SAS); Jim is a senior Master Sergeant in Special Forces (Green Beret) and a serving member of our armed forces currently deployed overseas and in harm’s way. THE Willis - his prized 2003 Harley Davidson “Fatboy” motorcycle.  

The Ride:

Before being deployed to Afghanistan Jim asked the Board of Support-A-Soldier if they would look after his family and ride his “scoot” for SAS and all of those at the pointed end of the spear (in combat zones) that SAS supports.  

The Goal:

(There are two ways to pledge for the Willis Ride; You can pledge through the 'Paypal Donate' button and leave us a comment that says "willis pledge", or send in your donation to Support-A-Soldier at PO Box 371571 Denver 80237 and also add a comment that says "willis pledge")

  • Put 5,000 miles on THE Willis travelling around this land to create public awarenss and solicit funds for the men and women of our armed forces serving overseas. Three SAS Board Members and anyone who is interested can participate in the rides.
  • SAS will blog all adventures and photograph citizens who support our cause, with THE Willis, and post them on the website.

SAS Board Members have pledged $1,000 if a Board Member and collegue of Master Sergeant Willis rides the distance (5,000 miles) on THE Willis before MSG Willis returns home. We ask that you, the citizens that the men and women of our Armed Forces serve, help us by making a pledge for this ride and Support-A-Soldier ( Pledges will be for each 500 miles of the ride completed; one thousand miles, or for the full 5,000 miles completed. Your photograph will be posted on the official SAS website. Corporate sponsors are welcome!


We hope to see all of you on our ride. And if you see a 2003 Harley 100th Anniversary “Fatboy” with a Special Forces insignia on the side come over and say Hi!

For all who serve this great county - We Thank You! The Board of Support-A-Soldier

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